Top 5 Reasons NOT to Move to Austin, TX

The city of Austin, Texas has gotten some good buzz around it lately, buzz that might encourage some people to investigate moving there. There are several reasons why some people should rethink a move to Austin.


Austin always has some monstrous traffic, particularly on IH-35. The traffic on this interstate is so bad it has ranked number one for having the worst traffic in the US. Talk about a contest you don’t want to win. This problem is made worse by the never-ending construction. One way around this issue is to take toll roads, depending on your destination. You could also travel during off-times where there is less traffic. The city of Austin is exploring steps to alleviate traffic issues, including underground tunnels and expanding bus routes.


Cedar fever (from the ash juniper tree, which isn’t even a cedar, by the way) hits around November-February. These trees are very common in this area, and the symptoms hit you almost like the flu.

Three Seasons

Don’t expect a winter wonderland here in Austin. Apart from the very occasional snowpocalypse, we pretty much have two seasons: hot and hotter. Fall weather is comfortable, making it a great time to go outdoors and enjoy some nature. Winter is slightly chilly but not usually too bad. Spring is like fall, but with the bonus of beautiful blooming flowers. Of course, this is also a bad time for allergies.


The Austin area has recently become less affordable to live in, due to the influx of those from pricier areas moving in and wanting more bang for the buck. The population is increasing, leading to a strong demand for housing and a limited inventory of available housing to meet the demand. Read more about the cost of living in Austin.

Public Transportation

Austin’s public transportation system is not necessarily sophisticated. Though we do have bus and rail lines, they need some work. Some parts of the city are also missing connection to those lines. If possible, it’s better to have a car if you need reliable transportation.


Though Austin has flaws, I still love this city and am proud to call it home. No city is perfect. If you’re still considering a move to Austin, you can contact me at 512-270-0966 and I’d love to guide you through this process.

Austin Home PropertiesNora Wall & Company

My mission is to help you realize the best outcome in your real estate journey. Where we live and do life is a very important decision. Hope this compilation of resources serves you well.

All this would not be possible without the encouragement and guidance of my broker and my wonderful colleagues at Nora Wall & Company


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